Dog Bite & Animal Attack Lawyers
Dogs attack approximately 5 million people a year in the U.S. Practically half of those injured are kids, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says. Roughly 800,000 Americans annually seek medical attention for wounds from dog attacks, and 386,000 require emergency room treatment. About 16 individuals die each year after being attacked by a dog. The CDC's numbers do not consider the psychological trauma of experiencing an animal attack.
It is a simple fact of life that dogs bite. This includes any dog of any breed. A dog bite can be anything from a nip to a traumatic attack that leaves a serious injury. A serious injury sustained in a dog attack is cause to hold the dog's owner accountable, and for the dog bite victim to seek reimbursement for all medical expenses, pain and suffering and other damage caused by the bite.
If you have sustained a severe injury or lost a loved one in an animal attack that occurred in the Rancho Cucamonga area or anywhere else in California, the personal injury lawyers at First Law Group, want to help you.
Serious Injuries From Dog Attacks
A serious bite is not a playful nip or even a minor injury that bruises an individual who came into contact with a dog at the wrong time. A serious dog attack is one that consists of biting and scratching that causes considerable traumatic injury, such as deep cuts, tearing, fractures or more. A serious attack by a dog can additionally cause significant emotional and psychological injury.
According to dog bite statistics from the CDC, approximately 885,000 dog bite victims every year-- or 20 percent of all of those who are bitten by dogs-- require medical attention for their injuries.
The most common victims are:
- Children ages 5-9
- Elderly people
- Post letter carriers
Dogs usually bite a person's arm, hand, leg, foot, head or neck, according to the CDC. Typical injuries in dog attacks include:
- Cuts, bruises and scratches
- Puncture wounds
- Tearing (avulsion)
- Dislocations
- Fractures
- Amputations
- Crushing (head/ skull injuries), a nonprofit, public education website concerning dangerous dog breeds, reports that serious dog attacks can result in acute injuries that can require $250,000 to $1 million in specialized medical care.
The CDC specifies that roughly 27,000 dog bite victims each year undergo reconstructive surgery. This may include skin grafting, tissue expansion and scar diminishment. A victim may need multiple operations over several years.
Seeking Compensation After A Dog Attack
Dog bite victims might pursue compensation to cover their:
- Past and future medical costs
- Lost income and decreased earning capacity
- Pain and suffering
- Psychological distress
- Other relevant losses
Claims can be made against the dog owner and, possibly, a third party if that party's negligence resulted in the injury.
Individuals that have been seriously injured by an attacking dog are entitled to compensation and should not be reluctant to seek it via civil legal action and contact a dog bite lawyer-- it will not come out of a friend or neighbor's pocket. The settlement recouped in a dog bite case usually comes from the dog owner's insurance, such as homeowners' insurance or business liability insurance.
The Insurance Information Institute and State Farm Insurance report that dog bites made up more than one-third of all homeowners' insurance liability claim dollars paid out in 2013 and led to more than $483 million in compensation for victims. The average payment for dog bite cases was $27,862.
An experienced attorney can examine your dog bite case to determine whether the dog's owner is responsible and determine the settlement you might be due for your injuries.
Many cases can be resolved through negotiations with the dog owner's insurance company. If a proper settlement agreement can not be reached, we would be ready to pursue appropriate compensation for you in court.
Taking Action After An Attack
You can act to help yourself, a loved one or a friend that has been wounded by a dog bite. Here are some steps you should attempt to follow:
- Seek medical attention as soon as possible. Any kind of dog bite should be seen by a doctor.
- Immediately report the incident to the police and obtain a copy of the police accident report.
- Get the name and contact information of the dog owner if possible.
- Get the name and contact information of any individuals who observed the attack.
- Photograph the animal that caused your injuries along with the location of the incident.
- Photograph any visible injuries you have suffered as a result of the incident with the animal.
- Keep any clothing that might have been damaged by the animal.
- Save and, if possible, photograph any kind of property damaged by the animal.
- Do not communicate with the owner of the dog or the owner's insurance provider. If you accept any type of compensation, you may waive your right to sue for additional damages.
Reach Out To Our Dog Attack Attorneys
If you or a loved one has sustained a dog attack injury or other animal attack that resulted in severe injury or scarring, you have legal rights that deserve to be protected. Get in touch with a Rancho Cucamonga dog attack lawyer at First Law Group, right away and arrange a free consultation.
We will supply a team of legal professionals, medical professionals and investigators that are committed to your case. We can help you make informed decisions concerning your legal options. Our dog attack attorneys will work hard to ensure you receive the settlement you deserve.
At First Law Group, we really care about our community and we are driven by our passion for clients. Our personal injury lawyers in Rancho Cucamonga, California are always available to take your call. For a Free Consultation, call us at (626) 888-8264, or visit our website: